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Why the Kelleys of Compass
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Check out our neighborhood guides to find the best community for your next move.
Luxury apartments and state-of-the-art condominiums can be found scattered alongside Bethesda's downtown.
Great recreational opportunities, peaceful neighborhoods, a climate that supports all four seasons, and a commuter-friendly location.
Its vast number of unique neighborhoods providing residents with high-class benefits like state-of-the-art pools.
Offers an ideal balance for those who prefer a slower, quiet pace of life but still desire to be conveniently near the area’s best eateries.
Together create a unique blend of diverse shopping, restaurants, and urban amenities right next to one another.
A quaint traditional neighborhood designed to recreate the atmosphere of a small town.
Enjoy bustling newer developments to mid-size homes in well established neighborhoods.
Whether you are considering buying a home, selling a home, or both, we know this area inside and out. Contact us today!
12435 Park Potomac Ave., #R-1Potomac, MD 20854
The Kelleys of Compass
(301) 983-2428
[email protected]